From viewers:
Sent: Thu 12/29/2011 10:52 PM
To: Bradley, Matt
Subject: Kidney transplant ,,, I would like to thank you....
Hello, I don't know if you remember me, so I will bring you back a few years. Do you remember doing a story on my older brother putting a request on Craig's list for a kidney donor for his younger brother... You and Lisa B had showed up and done a little interview with myself and my brother during a benefit at the AmericInn in South Moorhead.
Well,, I had received a kidney on Feb 1st of 2011 and in a few months I will be celebrating one year of a new life. I have my up's and downs but that's life, I was as close as I want to be to death and having two boys one being 10 I guess I was not ready to leave yet. I owe one women my life and she has received a best friend for life.
I want to thank you for doing all that you had done because I do believe without your help I would not be writing this to you today. That's the power of Tv and the great work that you had done making it all work. If you ever make your way back to Fargo Moorhead please look me up, I would like to thank you in person and shake your hand for your help.
Again, thank you.
December 16, 2014
Question / Comment * | Matt, we are from Moorhead. Our son lives in Rochester so when we are here we love seeing a familiar and friendly face. You are the best. |
January 13, 2015
Question / Comment * | It was nice to see a familiar face on our trip to the Mayo clinic. We are from Oakes ND and my husband recognized you. |
June 15, 2015
Question / Comment * | Matt Bradley...News At Ten was excellent tonight. Great mix of local ,regional stories plus national and international coverage. Well rounded and well presented....Thank you |
December 28, 2015
Question / Comment * | It was nice seeing on the news we are from fargo and nice to a friendly face again |
November 6, 2013
Mr. Bradley --
Thank you for your story on court reporters. I appreciate all the hard work and time you put into it.
And, just so you know, it was sent (not by me) to the Iowa Court Reporters
Association, and they were complimentary of it also. This is what they
"Matt Bradley, with KIMT News out of Mason City, had been working on a story about court reporters, and it aired last night on their station. It is posted on our Facebook page, and we are also attaching a link below. He did a great job on this, and we really appreciate his diligence to report an accurate story! This is the future of our profession, and it will take all of the enthusiasm and dedication that we can devote to it to let folks know about how awesome this career is!"
May 21, 2014:
Question / Comment * | Matt, bless the miracle of streaming! That was a nicely done job of reporting combined with teaching. I'm glad you did it. |
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:44 PM
Subject: good job!
I've been impressed with Matt Bradley as a newscaster for a few reasons. He
is always professional, positive and friendly. Matt is obviously a kind and
caring individual with a good sense of humor. I've witnessed several
occasions when his quick wit and positive comments have turned a bad
situation into a good one. Matt is a fine representative for KVLY/KXJB.
Good hire.
Subject: El Tequilas
Hi Matt ~ I don't know if you remember but my husband was the guy that walked up to you to confirm your identity at El Tequilas in Fergus Falls on Friday night. My daughter was happy because she was the one that noticed and was so certain it was you! We live in Wahpeton and routinely watch your news show and it was neat to see you in person. We think you do a GREAT job.

From a Coworker:
October 15, 2014
I just wanted to thank you again for helping me out with the story yesterday. I wouldn’t have known what to do and I’m so thankful for you helping me out with my script and everything else. Hopefully this will all be behind us soon…! Thanks again